96 5820 001 - Plaza Mayor, nº 1 03409 La Canyada, Alacant canyada@canyada.es

Ruta de la Calera (SL-CV 76)

Ruta de la Calera (SL-CV 76)

This tour begins at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Carmen, surrounded by the place where the old farmhouse of Benisamaio, original core Cañada, was located. The road runs through Mount Sanmayor, passing through La Creueta. Walking towards the west, you reach l’Altet de les Salves, where, according to tradition, the walkers prayed a salve to their patron saint, the Virgin of Grace invoking her protection when she saw the Castle of Biar in the existing mound of stones.
When crossing the Marqués’ terraces, we can see the remains of the retaining walls made of masonry and with the traditional technique of dry stone. After passing the Portixol (or the Calera) and crossing the Camí de Rafael el Xato and reaching the Racó de Bellod, the walker goes up to the Cabeço de la Mina, an old silver mine from the 16th and 17th centuries. From this point you can enjoy magnificent views to finally reach the Shrine of Our Lady of Carmen.

Points of interest: Ermita del Carmen, La Creueta, Altet de les Salves, Micro flora reserve (Casa Refugio), place of Calera.

Route: 7.50 kilometers. Maximum duration of
the entire route: 180 minutes.

Difficulty: Low.

Ruta Els Calderons (PR-V 171)

Ruta Els Calderons (PR-V 171)

This itinerary, in which you walk more than 800 meters high, runs through the ravines of Galvany and Peladilla. The road begins in the “Casas de la Solana”, a group of houses from the mid-seventeenth century near the irrigation ditches and orchards that formed the departure of Cañada, at that time still dependent on Biar. Following the Camí de la Font and up to the Calderó Major you can see the towns of Campo de Mirra, Beneixama and Villena. The way back passes through Barranc de la Peladilla and ends at “Casas de la Solana”.

Points of interest: Casas de la Solana, Corral de Galvany, l’Altet de les Salves, Abrevador Calderó Major, Corral de Galvany.
Route: 12.8 kilometers. Maximum duration of the route: 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Difficulty: Low.

Cycle tourism. The strengths of the Xixarra

Cycle tourism. The strengths of the Xixarra

This route goes through the strongholds that the Arabs created to reinforce their borders, surrounding the towns and controlling the strategic communication routes. In this way and following the path of the popular “Xixarra”, the narrow gauge railroad that linked Yecla-Villena-Alcoy and disappeared in the early seventies, we reach Biar, Beneixama and Campo de Mirra. In addition to the architecture of these municipalities, cyclists perceive in their journey the change that occurred in the populations of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Thus, the mechanical dyers alternate in the fields of olive trees with the farmers who still wield their sticks, while in the vineyards, the old vines in glass, are replaced by the new trellised plantations that already cover the entire plain between Campo de Mirra, Cañada and Villena.

Points of interest: Historical center of Biar, Castle of Biar, Old train station of Beneixama, Molí de Lluna, Church of San Vicente Ferrer de el Salse, Laundry of Campo de Mirra, Villena.

Route: 36.08 kilometers. Land type: 27.39 kilometers of asphalt and 8.69 kilometers of land. Slope: 200 meters.

Difficulty: Low.

Cycle tourism. The Water Route

Cycle tourism. The Water Route

This route, which runs through the different places in Cañada where the so-called “water architecture” has been rehabilitated, goes back to the water wealth that Cañada has had throughout its history. The situation map is located in the public park “Fundación Francisco Payá Candela”.

Points of interest: Portillo Well, Rambleta Fountain, Saboners Well, La Vereda Drinking Well, Huerto Waterwell, La Solana Drinking Well and Raconet Well.

Route: 12.50 kilometers.
Type of terrain: 99% asphalt and 1% road.

Difficulty: Low.