96 5820 001 - Plaza Mayor, nº 1 03409 La Canyada, Alacant canyada@canyada.es

Hydraulic heritage

Located in the westernmost part of the Biar valley, in the wide glen that joins it to the basin of Villena, the municipality of Cañadense is rich in aquifers. Due to this, at the end of the seventeenth century scattered houses began to multiply in the valley near the irrigation ditches and orchards until the end of the seventeenth century set the departure of the Cañada from several groups of scattered houses as “El Portell “,” La Solana “or” El Pinaret “.

All this water richness contributed by the passage of the Vinalopó river has allowed Cañada to enjoy an excellent agriculture, in which the main crop is the olive and the vineyard, as well as the almond, plum, cherry and apple trees. At present, Cañada has recovered and restored all its hydraulic architectural heritage with the aim of preserving the history of the municipality